This is my home for the next few months. I have already been here for a week and 3 days...hey whos counting? Time really has been flying by though.
I live in a small town (a long dirt road) right outside of Tabacundo, which is a smaller city outside of Cayambe. I am really liking it here so far. The weather is great! The mornings are a bit cold but when the sun comes out it really warms up. We are surrounded by majestic views of mountains and choclo fields (the corn variety grown here). These days I wake up around 5:30 am and get to see the sun rise every morning. Desayuno (breakfast) is at 6am since my host mom has to leave for her job at the flower plant at 6:30. Roses are one of the main industries in this area and there are about 100 rose plants near by. Both my mother and her two daugheters work at rose plants.
So my family is quite large and I am still not really sure how many people are living here. I have a mother (maria), father, two brothers and two sisters. One of the sisters is married with a son Ariel. This family lives on the second floor where my room also is located. I think an uncle also lives upstairs with his family...though I am still not fully sure about this. My room has a seperate enterance which makes it a bit difficult to figure out the family tree.

View outside my window of the family´s corn and potatoes. They also have chickens, a pig, guinea pigs (for eating of course) and a cat. Speaking of chickens tonight is the big day that the big white chicken will be killed...I hope Im not missing the big event!

This is where I wash my clothes, it is not that bad so far but it takes a lot of time and some good muscle.

Mi cama (bed)

Beautiful full moon outside my window. My mother gave me these roses from the plant, they are beautiful!
Link in spanish to the city outside my town:
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