Only two weeks and two days left.... The smallness of the world hit home on Saturday night as my friends and I braved the snow to have a farewell dinner at Bus Boys and Poets in DC. During the course of the evening my friend Meredith said she had a friend also leaving soon for Peace Corps, who she then contacted to ask where she was going and voila..she is leaving for Ecuador in February as well! I also found out that that waiter we had has a friend doing PC in Ecuador right now, so I took down her name and maybe I'll be seeing her soon. I love these moments of synchronicity.
So I have a plan ticket and an itinerary for our staging event...which happens to be in DC, my stomping ground, how convenient. We all meet up for the day then ship out bright and early the next morning!
I thought I would give an update, so at this point I know I will be heading to colder mountainous area near the equator for training. I have also received a big (kind of like a frat/sorority) who I can contact with questions...which is very helpful knowing I love to be over prepared for everything ;P She lived in the DC area for a while, its nice that we will have something in common.
We have a facebook group for Omnibus 103 (this is the name PC has for our training group). There are quite a few of us there and it is a great place for us rookies to spout out questions to the current volunteers who have been super helpful.
So its time for me to really focus on packing...a 100 lb limit for two years and numerous possible climates makes it quite difficult! So far I have a light warm temp sleeping bag, a small netbook, a GRE study book, binoculars...hehe I hope I can get some bird watching in :), a few pairs of cheap back up glasses, loads of sunscreen, two books from Jim at the office (Returned Peace Corps Volunteer)...one: 1491...two: a fake book with the pages hallowed out to secretly hid things..so MacGyver, love it! Shout out some packing advice if you have any!
So with only two weeks left I still have a week of work..painting to do to get the basement apartment rented..a car to sell and a pimped out rim to find..things to buy and pack..and going away party 75.6 to attend. I'm sure it will all come together as always.
I plan on posting about my trip to Honduras soon, with pictures!