I was officially invited to serve as a PCV in Ecuador. I'll be leaving February 16th to go to staging, from there we will be shipped out to Ecuador and receive two months of training in Quito- the capital. My job description is sustainable agriculture, and will be working with agribusiness and farm management. :)
After not having any definitive information for the last few years about peace corps it feels just like Christmas getting so much information all at once!
So Wednesday morning at 5 am I received a toolkit status update which said "Congratulations, you have been invited to become a peace corps volunteer." SOooo of course that was the one thing on my mind that day. I calculated the time it would take the mail to come from the PC D.C. office, apparently only one day, and from then on decided it was necessary to leave work and stalk the mail man. Which I did, and sadly....only some magazines. So Thursday came and I figured there was a very high probability that the invitation would be mailed today. So I planned on leaving and stopping home for a run at 3 (mail time). Of course I got caught up doing things and never ended up leaving so I had Canny check the mail. Might I add that this was all after consulting the online magic 8 ball: Question 1. Will I receive invitation today- Absolutely 2. Will I get an invitation to Ecuador- Yes 3. Will I get an invitation to El Salvador- No Way. These are the things one does when anxiously waiting I presume. So Yes the invitation did come today in the mail. So I ran home and drove all the way back to the office so that I could open it there with everyone. Everyone gathered in the hall- I prayed that I would not have some ridiculous unexpected reaction when opening the invitation, Haewon was conferenced in, and it was finally time......drummmm roollll. No way! - insert big smile here- I'm going to Ecuador! to do sustainable agriculture!!!
Preface complete, and now the beginning of my Peace Corps saga begins.